Emilie Chollat lives in France in Marseilles and graduated from the school of decorative arts in Strasbourg. She works for French and American publishers and magazines. She works for theâtre and paints frescoes at school, hospitals, nurserys... She has two darling daughters, Marguerite and Madeleine.
- Harper Collins
- Random House
- Henry Holt
- Scholastic Press
- Galison Mudpuppy
- Simon and Schuster
- Dutton' s Children Books
- Chronicle Books
- Workman Publishing. Actes Sud
- Editions du Rouergue
- Nathan
- Editions Milan
- Editions Bayard
- Hachette Jeunesse
- Editions du Désastre
- Les Apprentis Rêveurs
- Casterman
- Belin
- Jeux Djeco
- Fleurus
- Milan Presse
- Fleurus Presse.
- Rain Dance (Harper Collins)
- Ackamarackus (Scholastic)
- The Little French Whistle (Random House)
- I Love You When (Chronicle Books)
- Anywhere and Everywhere (Chronicle Books)
- Welcome Winter Welcome! (Chronicle Books)
- The Please and Thank You Book (Random House)
- Who' s Awake?(Henry Holt)
- Hey Mama Goose!(Dutton children's books
- Lettuce in! (Simon & Schuster) Le défilé (le Rouergue)
- Tout va bien (Le Rourgue)
- A l' eau Léo (Nathan)
- le livre de mon bébé (Nathan)
- D 'où ça vient ?(Nathan)
- Cendrillon (Hachette)
- Perrine n' aime pas la cantine (Fleurus)
- Mon premier livre de messe (Bayard)
- Mes jouets (Milan)
- s' en donner à coeur joie (Actes Sud)
- les comptines des dents de lait (Actes Sud)
- 1,2,3 nous irons aux bois (Casterman)
- Contes gourmands (Belin)
- Contes à grignoter(Belin).