Milan Presse magazine

birthday card stationery

card flowers stationery

Ballon (preparatory illustration for a mural)

Card Stationery - Friendship

Personal illustration

Bubbles Highlights High Five magazine

Highlight Five Magazine

jungle personal illustration

Farm for a mural

Puzzle for Glottogon

birth announcement card

Milan Presse

Puzzle for Glottogon

The Nell's Book Mac Graw Hill

Book' s project

tigers card stationnery project

Birth card for stationery

preparatory illustration for mural at the hospital


Chronicle Books

"The Please and Thank you book" Random House editions

The Please and Thank you Book Random House Editions


jeu aprentis rêveurs

Bayard jeunesse

Harper Collins

Chambre jeu apprentis rêveurs

Scholastic Press


Hachette jeunesse

Cuisine jeu apprentis rêveurs

The please and thank you book

Chambre jeu apprentis rêveurs