illustration by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

illustration for children book

children illustration

daily life , at home

daily life- school life

get out of school , daily life

illustration by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

in the bathroom, daily life

children illustration

illustration by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

children illustration

Petit manuel de survie dans les bois - Ruti'kid by AS Lanquetin- to be published

Noises book by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin for Gründ editor

The red Feather Anne-Sophie lanquetin personnal project

Bird with a feather by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

Children's City Council Anne-Sophie lanquetin for the city of Toulouse France

My cat-"They get food" for Element LLC by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin

Let's dance ! illustrated for "P'tit Programme " bye AS Lanquetin

Petites danseuses - Tourbillon edition- Mondo Mino illustrated by AS Lanquetin

" Les écoliers d'eau douce " for Premier J'aime Lire Magazine - Bayard Presse

" Les écoliers d'eau douce " for Premiers J'aime lire magazine -Bayard Presse

Solar Energy by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin for Youpi Magazine Bayard presse in France

wind power by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin for Youpi Magazine Bayard presse in France

Biomass energy by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin for Youpi Magazine Bayard presse in France

The Hospital Anne-Sophie lanquetin for Youpi Magazine Bayard presse France

Maternity Hospital Anne-Sophie lanquetin for Youpi Magazine Bayard presse France

welcome to the swimming pool for "Youpi" magazine

" Pas si âne que cela " book for Salvator Edition by Anne-Sophie lanquetin

The red feather by AS Lanquetin

" Zoé " by AS Lanquetin

The Great Story of Mary Anne-Sophie lanquetin for Salvator Edition France

"Le monde secret des fourmis" Rustica Editions by AS Lanquetin

Not All Princesses dress in pink- Simon and Schuster

Sixteen runaway pumpkins by D. Ochiltree -McElderry Books

Ten Monkey Jamboree

" Les dents, le pot et au dodo !" Editions Lito