Kulikov’s engrossing mixed-media illustrations interpose soft pastels with spreads of chalky blue line on ink-black pages, dramatically conveying Louis’ isolation and single-minded intensity. An inspiring look at a child inventor whose drive and intelligence changed to world—for the blind and sighted alike – Kirkus Reviews Illustrations in Kulikov’s signature style, light-hearted with a touch of tartness, […]

Broadway Panorama illustrated by artist laurent cilluffo for Mark On The Wall
Here comes the very first volume of an illustrated panoramic view of Broadway by artist Laurent Cilluffo. Starting with the southern tip of Manhattan, odd numbers, it is 8.25in deep and running 16.4ft wide. It comes as a black and white frieze printed on non-woven adhesive paper and it’s just been released by Mark On The […]

Fantaisie Sur-Mesure by laurent cilluffo for Hermès International
Laurent Cilluffo recently designed some short animation for Hermès International, Paris. Minimalist drawings with an orange twist for a special module titled Hermès – La Fantaisie Sur-Mesure. It is just on and you can check it out there http://lesailes.hermes.com/bespoke

Here is to wonderfully creative new season 2016!
art by Stephane Jorisch